It was the first night in my new bedroom. Along with the move came a white shabby chic comforter. I stress the word WHITE. With a black dog that sheds like there is no tomorrow and her habit to sleep on the majority of my bed, I bit the bullet. The vanity of a new comforter has won out. I was searching high and low for the perfect bed for Delsie- mainly to help with my guilt.
The search ended when I was at my sisters garage sale this weekend. I spotted her toddler bed that she used in raising her three boys. Although I haven't given birth to her, the bed is now being put to good use as Delsie aka Princess, is breaking it in.
The poor dog on the floor (at least I found a cute blanket for her) is Jasper- my parents dog. She is great. Although she lifts her leg when she goes #1...can't figure that out.
That's about the sweetest thing ever. Lucky dog. :)
Nice new look to the blog. Very pink and pretty. Nice new bedroom too! You're a lucky girl. I hope all is well.
hey! people are commenting on your blog! How did THAT Happen? did you tell them only cool people leave comments? (cool people like tiffany?)
Hey... I almost bought that WHITE SHABBY CHIC COMFORTER! But I got the blue duvet instead....
oh yeah... room looks great!LOVE delsie's bed!
1. the bed did work.
2. don't ever leave the parents' dog out in the cold (on the floor)
3. does the dog have a fitted sheet yet.
And away we go...
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