Wednesday, July 22, 2009

an onion?

I use to be one of her favorites. It saddens me to speak of it in the past. She use to walk to me with arms extended and be perfectly content to sit on my lap and go for a ride. I use to be able to calm her when nothing else seemed to work. Now she screams hysterically and flares her body if even the slightest move is made in my direction. My phone use to ring which ended in voice mails of her sweet innocent voice whispering, "I love you, Holly" and her mom adding that she had been talking about me all morning. Now when her mom asks if she wants to talk to me she replies "No!"
I use to be one of her favorites. When she sneezed her mom would say, "God bless you, Lauren!" and she would respond, "No momma, bless Holly!"
Her parents tell me not to take personally. They call it a phase.
I call it heartbreaking.

She did ask about me at the Farmer's Market this past Saturday. And before I hung up the phone with them, I was on my way to meet them. My secret longing was that the phase was over. However Lauren was much more into this red onion than me.
Yes, an onion.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

friends and firepits

The other night I was in a "funk". I call it a funk-a-runk. These times are not fun. I don't like being me when I travel through these.
I know by now it will pass. I just need to make wise choices when I allow my feelings to control me.
So, after a day of losing the power and going down the slippery slope, I took D dog for a long walk.

It's so fun knowing God has my back when a funk-a-runk night turns into an evening among friends and fire pits. True healing.

And even more joy when I noticed Anika peaking over our heads in the photo. Hilarious.