pretty soon i am going to build an ark. i don't have two delsie's but you can be sure she would come with me, even though she hates water.
life certainly goes in cycles or another expression is that we are never satisfied- we always want more, it's never enough.
the whole summer you could hear everyone moan and groan about how it is so dry and we need rain so bad.
now that it has rained for the past week complaints are bellowed that all we need is sun.
we are never content.
in all due respect (i'm watching talladega nights), this photo was taken seconds before hurricane dean made itself known while delsie did her business.
kinda scary.
even though I LOVE storms.
MICHIGAN STORMS! I LOVE THEM AND MISS THEM... Now I wanna write a blog about them... sooo jealous! Great scary picture by the way!
ok.something weird is happening with this comment thing.... I have a second blog that i started a month ago that is under construction and somehow it pulled that one up when i left the last comment and it says that my name is "DEAR FRIENDs!" what is that???? anyways.. I am "dear friends.." I have NO idea whats going on... see if you can leave me a comment...now.
I am soooo baffled... and I checked and there is a comment on one of yours from "abundant living" and that IS MINE TOO!!! LMAO!!! That was a title of a blog... WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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