Wednesday, August 22, 2007

cross over the anger bridge

come over to the shore of friendship...

if you can name that quote, you win.

i do netflix. i love movies even though i forget them a couple of weeks later. the dilemma i face is finding enough "good" flicks to put on my queue. the other day i overheard my mom tell someone that she and dad had rented OPRAH'S 20th Anniversary DVD series. thanks to TiVo, i hardly miss and episode of OPRAH but the combination of my short term memory loss, my love for movies and my subscription to netflix, i added OPRAH'S 20th Anniversary DVD series to my queue.

i cried, i laughed, i was changed...I LOVE OPRAH!

one of her episodes she talked about ending the day by journaling five things that you are grateful for-
she said it will change your day.

and it has.
one of the things in my life that i am grateful for are friends. (why do i sound like a fifth grader at thanksgiving)
yesterday, amy brought these sunflowers and totally brightened up my home. (OPRAH says you should not have fake flowers. i'm not rich like OPRaH)
but she's right. the flowers add so much.

the shirt was a gift from barb (a friend from my drama team) who surprised me today in my office.

when i grabbed the shirt, the watch that was a gift from dear friend lynne, fell off my wrist as it broke. i loved this watch.

but more important than real flowers, fun t-shirts and cool watches are my beloved friends.

I am so grateful.

now back to the movie...

1 comment:

tiffany marie said...

CLARIFICATION: white trim for the OUTSIDE of the house...