Saturday, February 3, 2007


something about a blizzard makes me sleepy. It is in the single digits today and complete white-outs. Delsie and I are "hunkerin' down". It's a riot watching D-dog doing her business outside as the snow is past her legs. The fire is going and I have books laying at my feet to read if I can my eyes open long enough to read them. Why does a day fly by when you do absolutely nothing?

Yesterday, I got a call from Jayne saying that we are all set to close on my house on Tuesday! I don't think it's completely sunk in and not sure when it totally will...until then I am proceeding ahead. I have my paint colors picked out and just wrote out a check yesterday for the flooring. The gradual transformation of this place is going to be a blast to witness.

I am praying about the remodeling of my bathroom- not sure how that is going to work out.

Off to finish my Beth Moore Bible study- I have been procrastinating long enough...

1 comment:

Andy Gammons said...

Holly, don't be a Bible study quitter. I am officially making you one of the friends on my blog. Way to go.