Thursday, May 28, 2009

rings and characteristics

I don't know my life without the Hofland family and for that, I am so grateful. I wouldn't want a life without them, all of them. Including their mom and dad.

The other day, Delsie and I walked over to their house for my Hofland fix. As usual, they hopped on and we went for a "ride". Grant was sitting on my lap on this particular adventure. He noticed my hand that adorn a couple of sterling silver rings and the following conversation occurred:

Grant: Did a boy give you those rings?

Me: No. I bought them for me.

Grant: Well, I like them. They're cool.

Me: Thanks.

At this point I allowed for silence as I could feel his wheels spinning.

Grant: Will you ever get married?

Me: I'm not sure. Do you think I will?

Grant: Yea. But if you do, he better have your characteristics.

Me: What would those be?

And with that, the conversation ended. Grant was more interested in a soccer ball.

Some time later we were talking about something else that made me laugh. Without missing a beat Grant looked over at me and said, "Now THAT would be a characteristic."

And who said kids aren't wise?

You're right Grant, He better make me laugh.


Anonymous said...

And that made me cry.


tiffany marie said...

That is hilarious! Very very cool! This is a keeper!!!!