I love these photos. It was the last time I saw my gramps alive. I made him smile and he let me take these photos- which he always held his hand over his face when the camera came out. I can't even count how many photos we have of gramps and his hand...
The end of August Gramps was in a nursing home recovering AGAIN- honestly, I can't remember what prompted Gram to call 9-1-1. Which doesn't take much at all. We are convinced they knew her by name. Between their neighbor and gramps failing health, the numbers of 9-1-1 are faded on her rotary phone.
After many trips to the hospital, nursing homes and his disobedient body, Gramps died on Friday, December 7. He was 91.
Gram and Gramps met when she was 18 and he was 23. They married that year. Gram now is 86 and doesn't know life without him. It is for this reason I am sad. I hurt for her and feel an ounce of her ache as the man she knew as her husband for sixty eight years is no longer on this earth.
I am thrilled for Gramps. He's with Jesus now. I am confident of that and at times jealous of it. He doesn't have to be transferred anymore. He doesn't have the shakes and I am sure he doesn't smell of BO. His voice is strong and I am sure he and Miss Lynn (Grandma Le Blanc) have introduced themselves.
It has been a difficult six years as his body defied him yet his mind grew sharper by the day. With the exception of introducing me to a nurse as his handicapped daughter in law and referring to my hair do on this particular visit as "tou-tou pigtails", (that's what he's laughing about in this photo) Gramps was on top of it all.
We'll take good care of Gram, Gramps. Don't worry about that. If you can just prompt her to move to this side of the state we will surround her with company- there won't be any time for her to get lonely.
Thank you, Gramps for raising your daughter, allowing me to be blessed with an amazing mom. I know you are proud of her. Thanks for being a father my dad never had. I know the two of you never talked about it but I know my dad is forever grateful.
...and Gramps, thanks for loving me and my sisters, your only grandchildren. You left a legacy for us. You gifted us over and over. You blessed us with your prayers.
I took pride in making you laugh, Gramps. Your smile melted my heart.
I will never forget that.
I will never forget you.
...until we meet again.
Holly, that is beautiful. I will pray for you and your family. My Grandma is at Resthaven now, I echo your words of how hard it is when the body fails and the mind is so sharp. Maybe it is just helping up really rejoice in Heaven when all is made new. :) Love ya girl! Melissa
Oh that will be glory for me,
glory for me, glory for me.
When in that place I shall look on His face.
That will be glory, be glory for me.
Your Gramps is experience that which we only get tastes of. We are so gifted to have legacies of people who have gone before us. Thanks for sharing.
What a good post. I love you.
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