****read the previous post that I wrote the day before this story happened...***
It is not uncommon for me to hear every dog story. I love dogs. I live life with a dog by my side 24/7. Saturday morning at was at the local coffee shop, JP's, having a coffee and bagel with a friend when a person approached our table and proceeded to tell me that there was a black lab that followed her this morning outside the city pool. I tried to respond with compassion but wondered why she felt the need to tell me.
That is until I left JP's to meet my friend at her store down town 8th street.
I decided to "walk" to her store to cherish the weather before Antarctica air hit and covered the streets with snow and ice.
When I approached the corner of 8th and River and waited for the pedestrian light to give the go ahead I noticed Delsies ears alerting me to something. I followed her gaze and realized a beautiful black lab was slowly galloping toward us to offer a friendly hello. She was spared by the halting of the tires of the cars that almost hit her and allured to the sound of my voice calling her to safety. Once the girl in the wheelchair kicked in to rescue this dog, the eight other on lookers
decided they better ask the disabled girl if she needed some help. Never mind that this beautiful puppy almost got hit!
After I convinced a sweet Hope College student that you could rig up a leash to be used as a collar, we made our way to my friends store. The plan was to give myself some time to think and get this four legged friend out of the cold and away from danger.
Our plan to go Goodwill shopping changed as we drove out to the Humane society to see if a frantic owner had called. After searching the books to come up void, the workers gave her the necessary shots and cleaned her ears so Delsie wouldn't get sick, we returned home.
It wasn't very long before this dog and I bonded.
No accidents in the house, no barking and Delsie even seemed to tolerate her.
This dog was attached to me and I to it. She slept in my bed and made me laugh. I stayed home from church and walked the dogs three times. It was a bit crazy the first time but by our third walk, we had it down pat. We were all a team.
Monday came and I had to go to work. I was a bit sad as I was occupied by her this weekend and so very grateful for the distraction and simple joy she brought to my home.
I returned home for lunch to let her out and received a phone call from "Sarah" telling me the humane society gave her my number and I would give them a lot of happiness if I had their dog. Little did she know the happiness her dog gave me this past weekend.
I tried to reassure her that their dog was safe and happy. We exchanged stories of how the lost and then found happened. I described the dogs silly antics and the similarities in the looks she has with my dog. We then arranged for me to drop off the dog on my way back to work. She was thrilled, I was a tad disappointed.
Before we hung up, I asked her the dogs name.
"Nugget." she replied.
Of course.
Oh my GOODNESS. Nugget. You are so good to let a lonely dog sleep in your bed with you.
Ok you just brought tears to my eyes!God is so faithful in our time of need! Thank you for sharing!
Isn't it amazing how God works! God is good! I love it!
more like,
!!!!!!!!!!!! NUGGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WAY!
at least that was my reaction...
ahhh the sweetest things in life are sometimes the simplest.
What an awesome story!
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