Thursday, February 28, 2008
the pressure's on...
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
hot pockets and TiVo

Sunday, February 17, 2008 she comes...
I am whitening my teeth, wearing the tiarra (thanks, Schneids) and practicing the runway wave. Let me stress that this is not a beauty pageant but one that captures the importance of a platform and the advocacy of living with a disability.
This weekend Lynne took me shopping for the perfect outfit- she is having a hard time convincing me that a jogger suit is not appropriate.
It's an all day competition where I will be interviewed by a panel of judges for a total of twenty minutes. It concludes with a gala in which family and friends can attend a dinner while the contestants perform a two minute speech on their platform.
Am I really doing this?
The word pageant and wheelchair and ME in the same sentence.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
keeping perspective...

Put a fork in me. I'm done. I can adorn the name "Debbie Downer" or "Eyore" or "Pessimistic Peggy". I officially loathe winter.
I am a huge advocate of keeping life in perspective; maintaining a balance; utilizing the strengths and defeating the negative.
I officially have failed. The test can be over. I admit defeat.
I awoke to my radio this morning as the DJ repeatedly instilled the word 'warm' in my brain. "There is a warm up, folks. Today will be in the 20's."
I don't know what your body tempature does when calculating the degree of 20 but mine does not fair well.
While processing the weather and excitement of the potential of sun and trying to pick out my waredrobe for the day (wondering if I could bust out the flip-flops and mini-skirt) I bit the dust.
Once AGAIN my forehead encountered the bathroom tile only to fabricate a huge goose egg above my right eye.
I settled for three layers, a scarf and corduroys while attempting to ice the "bump" with frozen peas and brush my teeth.
It was at this point that I had to remind myself of keeping things in perspective...20 degrees IS warmer than a windchill of -11. And the goose egg on my forehead is not even close to the injuries I've sustained. The show must go on.
But Debbie Downer still hates winter. And Eyore is going crazy watching Delsie stare out the front window. Pessemistic Peggy is sick of being cold.
I guess it's all relative.
The snow will melt and this body will be made new...oh, what a glorious day that will be! (on both accounts)
Sunday, February 3, 2008
The stage was set, the lights were on and the camera's were rolling...
This weekend I tried to live up to favorite Aunt status and have my nephew and nieces sleep over- all eight of them. (Alex stayed home for some peace and quiet and the comforts of his own bed)
It certainly wasn't quiet but I did sleep in my own bed while they slept on the family room floor. (oh, to be young) Dankia didn't sleep over (she's 1 1/2 ) but stayed until 11 so her mom and dad could enjoy one another.
This video was taken in the morning after we woke up at 6:30. (ouch) It was a continuation of the talent show from he night before. The stage was my stool and the performers waited their turn behind the curtain.
Chase recorded his 7 year old brother, Cole, performing in beat box style "Usher".
Although every performer received a perfect score of ten, Kennedy was struggling as a judge as she whispered in my ear after he finished, "I might have to give him 9.5 because he coughed."
In addition to his performance, Cole prayed for our dinner the night before: "Dear Jesus, help us have a good time at Aunt Holly's and help her not be alone after we leave."
...I think it's gotta be a tradition.