Monday, May 21, 2007


She won't admit it but she was pouting in this photo as "T" was anticipating her return home- oh, how she misses me. In actuality, she probably felt miserable as she wound up in the ER the week she returned home. No, not because she missed me, but because doctors discovered a tumor on her left ovary. Yikes. My poor little Tiffany- out in LA with doctors who barely speak a lick of English, drugged up on morphine and in pain...we now are praying for the best case scenrio- NO CANCER and a doctor who knows what they're doing! (speaking English would be a bonus but T does speak three languages~) Tiff, it was a blast having you here - so wish the time didn't go so fast!

1 comment:

tiffany marie said...

OH I forgot to comment on this one!!! YES! I was NOT feeling well that night. I was miserable! Who would have thunk it would be just the beginning of a horrible horrible week????