I have neglected my blog for an entire month. There is no excuse or nothing that has occupied my time as a distraction to not journal during February. I am sure, like the rest of you who live in the North, I could spend ample time complaining about the winter and how the cold and grey lent itself to my lack of motivation, but I will refrain. We all know how awful it was without me dwelling on the negative. So, I will press on.

Just like this note that was included with this flower on my front step...it's a reminder of the "because" in my life. We all have them. Because I am single, I can sleep in whenever I want. (then why was I up at 6:48 AM?!) Because, I love hard, I hurt hard. Because I love to laugh, I choose to hang out with funny people. Because where I live has no sun, I tan in a machine. Because I have a disability, I have a service dog. Because I have nine nieces and nephews, I am an aunt. Because I love Jesus, I belong.

This gift this winter was my "because". I'll keep going. Because of the "be causes". They may not make sense, some feel good, some hurt...a lot. But I'll keep going...just because.
loved your post.
it really is an interesting word that because...
it's about time you got back from your "blogging sabbatical"
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