The sun is deceiving today. It produced this anxiousness in me to get outside with a longing for the warmth of the sun to penetrate in my stiff, cold bones. It didn't happen. I jumped the gun.
Kind of like the time in LA when visiting my friend, Tiffany. We were excited to visit her favorite coffee shop one day. In LA, locations are never a hop-skip-and a jump away and this cute hangout was no exception.
Our anxiousness was a detour ant as we realized once we found a parking spot across the street and unloaded the scooter(a pleasant gift trying to park in California) that we had forgotten the key to get the scooter to move.
Poor Tiff made the commute back home in LA traffic to pick up the key we left behind on the kitchen counter.
In hopes of reminding myself of the warmth of the California sun after returning from a brisk walk in Michigan this afternoon, I scrolled through my photos of LA.
I laughed at this memory but acknowledged my tendency to jump the gun in my life when things don't seem to be happening the way I want them too. It is obvious that I am anxious waiting for His plan to be revealed in my life- not my plan.
Psalm 25:3 "No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame, but they will be put to shame who are treacherous without excuse."
There is no excuse when I "jump the gun."
Ready. Set. WAIT.

PERFECT photo to end this post with. Love it. :)
I too am antsy. When? When?
By the by, you should change your post color that is the real light blue. I can't see it (maybe others can) and have to just wave my mouse over the suspected spot until I see it highlighted.
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