As I lounge around in my PJ's, sipping warm coffee, reading emails and contemplating going back to bed; poor Alex is white knuckling it back to their home in Indianer. Once again, I am reminded of how God continues to give to me over and over. The 17 hour visit with the Falders was that gift.
Tricia is a best friend. A friend from my college days. It is so great to do life with her. And watching how she partnered with Alex. (whom I LOVE) and then together they brought Davy and Jacob into this world. Today we celebrate the one year old life of Jacob.
...and I continue to celebrate that the Falders are part of my life. Thanks for investing in me, guys!
I love you and Happy Birthday, Jacob!
Thanks for posting the video. Very fun to watch. Shy little Jacob and Davy batting her eyes for the camera. It was worth all the white knuckling to be able to see you. I love you.
Good friends are a gift from God. It is good to have you a part of our family.
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