Seven great kids under the age of seven. One guy with muscles. Sweatshirts and spring jackets to combat the cool weather. Burnt popcorn from a busted microwave. Video of Ratatouille. and enough love to bust my sides.
Friday I had another cousin sleep over and I am still undecided who had a better time- me or them!
Danika is my competition as she found a place in Brett's "not to sure of kids" heart.
In the morning we all walked to Donutville and the conversation went something like this:
me: "okay, you guys, when we get there we need to remember our please and thank-yous. I am going to get each of you a donut but not a drink. I know you're going to be thirsty but we'll get something to drink back at my house."
um, after all the please and thank-yous this cheap but proud aunt gave in. chocolate milk for all!
after we settled in the booth for our sugar high, Jagger looked at me with a smirk and his big blue eyes:
Jagger: "you lied, aunt holly".
the conversation then covered aspects of a good lie and a bad one...hmmmm, I think this is one their parents can explain.
all I know is that I love my nephews and nieces. A lot.