This may sound a bit odd to some who may loath a basket full of dirty clothes but I was thrilled to do laundry this weekend. I am not certain if this a good indication of my lack of social life or the independence this house is offering. Let's focus on the later- a little less depressing.
When I designed the remodel I knew I wanted a place for my washer and dryer. It has been over three years that this part of my life has not been do-able. Thanks to a mom who has been faithfully taking baskets back and forth, the time has come for me to will this task back in my life.
The blueprints of it all seemed to be a great idea. That was until I discovered that my sister gave me a bum dryer and it takes over four hours to dry a medium size load of wet clothes.
I have made my three bedroom home into a two bedroom home with an accessible bathroom. Because stairs are not a reality for me, my washer and dryer have their own closet in my bedroom.
I actually was looking forward to the chores of laundry on Saturday morning. If only it were just the morning. The morning became afternoon and afternoon became evening which turned into a 3:00 in the morning task of once again starting the dryer for another 70 minute session while the load in the washer were quickly loosing their mountain breeze Tide smell.
Not only is my social life lacking, it's not such a joy to do the laundry anymore.
I'm off to take a nap without the sound of the dryer buzzer going off...