My maundy Thursday is turning out to be a strange one. I could wallow in pity and discouragement but I will prevail with God's strenght as I reflect on the hell He went through this week for me. And rejoice because He is alive!!
Last night after spending the evening at the church for tonights service, I was determined to set up a cute lamp in my kitchen to test if I would be happy with it. I could not find my scissors to open the box wrapped in 20 layers of packaging tape so I opted for a rather sharp knife...you know where this is going...
Keep in mind that I have not had running water since saturday due to a major plumbing issue (the joys of owning a home) and not having a colon and a tub that doesn't work- it's not pretty. (nor do I smell pretty) Frantically opening the tape on the light I gouged open my pointy finger instead. I have a high tolerance to pain and this stung a bit (still does). Blood is gushing out and my band aids are in the non-working, toxic, non-accessible stinky bathroom. "I can do this". (self-talk works for me) Attempting to retrieve the box, with one arm in the air and one arm maintaining what little balance I have, I fell. By the toilet. Now I start dry heaving and slide over to the band aids on my butt...I wrap my finger tightly with three band aids and attempt to pull my weak body in the standing position. (don't forget I am about to throw up) Needless to say, not sure how the lamp looks- it's still dismantled on my counter next to that darn knife.
My maundy Thursday is going to spent in a hotel room after the church service tonight. I think I'll sit in the balcony- hopefully they won't smell me from there.